Thinking About Buying?

Thinking of buying a home? There are so many steps in the process that it can feel overwhelming! But don’t worry šŸ˜ƒ We got you covered from the very first step until you have the key to your new home in your hand! Check out this video to learn how.


Pricing Your Home to SellĀ 

What is the big deal about pricing your home right to sell? As a home seller, you may be thinking, ā€œWow, this market is great. There are so many buyers looking for homes theyā€™ll pay anything! Iā€™ll just mark my price up and see what offer I get.ā€

Unfortunately, this kind of thinking backfires. Even though buyers are looking for homes, they are pretty savvy and know what homes are selling for. Also, their real estate agent will be checking comparable homes to see what your home should be listed for and how your home compares to other homes on the market.