Stop Renting & Become A Homeowner

What is so frustrating about renting? Not allowed to have a pet. Can’t decorate the way you want. Not allowed to put a garden in your backyard. Can’t have people stay with you. Probably at the top of the list is wasting $$$!!! Just think about it. Multiply the amount you spend each month by 12 to find out how much you are throwing away in one year. Now multiply that number by 5 to find out how much money you will lose in 5 years if you don’t get into home ownership!

For example, if your monthly mortgage is $1,200, you will pay $14,400 in one year to your landlord. Over five years that adds up to $72,000! You are throwing that money away instead of paying your own mortgage on your own home. 

You probably also heard that interest rates are at record lows. This makes a huge impact on monthly interest amounts and monthly payment. Chances are you can buy a great house that you love with monthly payments similar to what you are paying for rent. 

So, let’s get you into your own home! Here’s how we start:

  1. Fix Credit. Check your credit and make sure there’s nothing there that will keep you from getting a mortgage, or damage your credit score. If you don’t know where to start, a good lender can check your credit and give you steps to get it fixed.
  1. Save for Closing Costs. It costs some money to buy a home. Save, save, save! You may also be able to get help from your family or even the sellers. Give yourself a head start by saving.
  1. Check Lease Terms. Understand your lease. When does it end? Can you go month-to-month and does that affect the monthly rent amount? Also find out how much notice you have to give to end your lease.
  1. Get Your Pre-Approval. This is when your lender checks your credit, debt, and income to figure out how much you can spend on a house. The lender then gives you a “pre-approval letter” and you can start looking for a home.

I’m here to walk with you every step of the way. Please contact me with any questions. I can also put you in touch with trusted lenders. Let’s get you into your own home!


Pricing Your Home to Sell 

What is the big deal about pricing your home right to sell? As a home seller, you may be thinking, “Wow, this market is great. There are so many buyers looking for homes they’ll pay anything! I’ll just mark my price up and see what offer I get.”

Unfortunately, this kind of thinking backfires. Even though buyers are looking for homes, they are pretty savvy and know what homes are selling for. Also, their real estate agent will be checking comparable homes to see what your home should be listed for and how your home compares to other homes on the market.

8 Must Haves for Your “Final Home” Purchase

In all cases, this “final home” purchase feels heavy. There’s a lot of pressure to find the perfect home. Here are some considerations to keep in mind if you are preparing to find your forever home.